首先,我們需要了解什么是MG動畫。MG即motion graphics(運動圖形),指的是在電影、電視、網絡等媒體上運用設計、排版、攝影等技術創造的具有運動特效效果的圖像或文字等元素,以產生視覺上震撼或吸引人眼球的效果。
Jianggan District MG animation production can be applied in various industries, including:
Jianggan District MG animation production has become an important way for enterprises to promote their products and services. With its unique style and professional skills, it is widely used in advertising, education, science popularization and other fields. As a center city district of Hangzhou, Jianggan District will continue to promote the development of high-quality MG animations, and make greater contributions to the promotion of local economic and social development.